Life insurance: Helping you plan a better future

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Source: Life is punctuated with a series of memorable moments: your first day at the workplace, the day you get married, that moment when you hold your baby in your arms, the day when your child graduates, your retirement day…the list is endless. We need to be financially prepared at each phase to ensure …

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How much Insurance Cover you Should Buy

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Source- Most people believe they have saved enough to take care of their family. But problems arise when an unforeseen event such as an accident or a disease threatens to erode their savings. This is where insurance plays an important role. The first insurance you must buy is a life cover. This will make …

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Life Insurance- Secure Way to Protect Your Future

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Source- Life is a journey full of ups and downs. No one can actually predict what might happen the next moment; there are times where the happiest moments do not even take a second to turn into the gravest. Planning for your future can help you face such unwelcome but irrepressible situations with much …

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